All posts by yutsakaraphon.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Practices of Gold Mining Industry in Cambodia

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Practices of Gold Mining Industry in Cambodia

This report examines the practices of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles and other related compliance within Cambodia’s gold industry. The findings, discussions, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report are based on extensive research,…
Policy Tracker on Sustainable Finance Policy and ESG in Cambodia

Policy Tracker on Sustainable Finance Policy and ESG in Cambodia

Most governments and companies rely on financial institutions (FIs) for the global distribution of financial flows, which enable them to produce goods or products and provide services in various sectors. Funds provided by FIs can…
Asia Development Bank’s (ADB) Financing COVID-19 Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

Asia Development Bank’s (ADB) Financing COVID-19 Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) provided financial support of US$332 million to strengthen the Royal Government of Cambodia’s (RGC) COVID-19 response, develop the financial industry, build urban infrastructure, and improve the road network. However, some…
The socio-economic impact of alcoholic beverage consumption amongst under-age and women groups, in Cambodia

The socio-economic impact of alcoholic beverage consumption amongst under-age and women groups, in Cambodia

The purpose of the case study is to inform banks and banking regulators/representative bodies/partners including the NBC, ABC, alcoholic beverage production and distribution firms, the Council for Development in Cambodia, Ministry of Economy and Finance,…
The Roles and Effectiveness of International Buyers and Financial Institutions in Enhancing ESG Implementation in the Garment Industry in Cambodia Report

The Roles and Effectiveness of International Buyers and Financial Institutions in Enhancing ESG Implementation in the Garment Industry in Cambodia Report

The main objective of this assessment was to examine and assess the roles and effectiveness of international buyers and international financial institutions in enhancing the implementation of ESG principles in the garment industry in Cambodia.  …
Stakeholder Mapping on Integrating ESG into Regulations for Cambodia’s Capital Market Study Report

Stakeholder Mapping on Integrating ESG into Regulations for Cambodia’s Capital Market Study Report

The main objective of this study was to examine and assess the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in and major challenges of integrating ESG principles into regulations in Cambodia’s capital market. The study also suggests…
Fair Finance Cambodia Organizes Youth Debate and Multistakeholder Dialogue on Climate Change and Green Finance

Fair Finance Cambodia Organizes Youth Debate and Multistakeholder Dialogue on Climate Change and Green Finance

On December 23, 2022, Oxfam and Fair Finance Cambodia members organized a “Youth Debate and Multistakeholder Dialogue on Climate Change, Climate Finance and Green Finance.” The dialogue aimed to raise public awareness on climate change…