Fair Finance Cambodia (FF Cambodia), in collaboration with The NGO Forum on Cambodia, Oxfam in Cambodia, and the Swiss Learning Exchange (SLX), launched an advocacy video, “Oxfam Climate Finance,” in October 2022 that demonstrates the impacts of climate change, particularly on vulnerable communities in Cambodia, such as farmers. These impacts include more frequent extreme weather events, reduced food and water security, and increased spread of diseases.

The video’s aim is to empower youth to conduct social media campaigns that raise awareness on issues of Green Finance and Climate Finance, and to engage financial institutions (FIs) to support climate change mitigation initiatives that reduce global warming, as well as climate adaptation initiatives that empower communities to reduce, and respond, to the negative impacts of climate change. FIs can achieve this by mobilizing climate finance, which the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) defines “as local, national, or transnational financing, which is drawn from public, private, and alternative sources of financing to support climate mitigation and adaptation.”

To view or share the video (Khmer voice over, English subtitles), click here.
To view or share the video on YouTube, click here.